Wave propagation in periodic structures / Léon Brillouin (1953)
Wave propagation in periodic structures : electric filters and crystal lattices [texte imprimé] / Léon Brillouin, Auteur . - 2 éd. corr. and addi . - New York : Dover publications, 1953 . - XII,255 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Notes bibliogr. Index
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Mots-clés : Ondes -- Propagation Index. décimale : 621.371 Propagation non guidée des ondes électromagnétiques dans un espaces libre, dans espace interplanétaire ou à travers d'autres milieux Résumé :
This is a modern classic on the mathematical physics of wave propagation. It cover a wide range of problems having a common mathematical background, ranging form solid state physics to propagation along elctric lines, X-rays, rest rays, certain optical reflections, electrical engineering, and wave mechanics of the spinning electron.Note de contenu : In summary :
1. Elastic waves in a one-dimensional lattice of point masses: early work and introduction.
2. Propagation of waves along one-dimesional lattices general results and qualitatives discussion.
3. mathematical treatment of a one-dimensional lattice of identiacl particles.
4. Mathematical tretment of more complicated one-dimensional lattices.
5. Energy velocity, energy flow, and characteristic impedance.
6. Tow-dimensional lattices.
7. Three-dimensional lattice.
8. Mthieu's equation and related problems.
9. Matrices and the propagation of waves long an electric line.
10. Continuous electric lines.